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Divorce Day - Changes to Legislation

“Divorce Day” in January

The first working Monday in January is known as “Divorce Day” because marital problems often worsen over the Christmas period.

Stress caused by the cost-of-living crisis, together with the usual pressures of the holiday period, is expected to push even more couples into breakups and divorce.

The recent change in law brought in a 20-week period for meaningful reflection from starting proceedings to applying for a conditional order.

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 reforms the legal requirements and process for divorce. The act aims to reduce the potential for conflict amongst divorcing couples by:

· removing the ability to make allegations about the conduct of a spouse

· allowing couples to end their marriage jointly

It is also no longer possible to contest or defend a divorce, except on very limited grounds.

Since the new law change, there were 33,566 in April to June — a fifth more than the same period in 2021.

Under the old law, there were 19,758 decree absolutes in April to June, a 35 per cent fall on the same period last year.

Our Family Solicitor, Simon Peacock’s view on the changes

We support the legislation to introduce no-fault divorce.

No-fault divorce will reduce conflict, allowing couples to focus on important issues like children, property and finances.

If you are struggling this month in your relationship and need some legal advice, please reach out to us and we will give you the best course of action for your situation.



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